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Palmdale Code Enforcement Officers Commended for Swift Action in Addressing DUI Incident
Palmdale, CA – The City of Palmdale is proud to recognize three dedicated Code Enforcement officers for their quick thinking and proactive approach in preventing a dangerous situation.

On Thursday, April 25, while stopping for a bite to eat at In-N-Out Burger near 2nd St. East, the officers observed a man who appeared unresponsive in an SUV in the drive-thru line. Reacting swiftly, they approached the vehicle to assess the scene.

Despite attempts to rouse the individual, the man remained unconscious. Without hesitation, one officer utilized their handheld radio to alert the Sheriff’s Department, while another officer safely placed the vehicle in park and removed the keys from the ignition. They woke the man up and noticed a strong smell of alcohol coming from him. Once awake, the man immediately started to look for his personal belongings and keys in an attempt to leave the scene.

Through quick intervention, the officers successfully prevented him from continuing to drive under the influence. The man was arrested with a blood alcohol content of .24 and had a prior DUI conviction.
“I’d like to commend our three code enforcement officers for their outstanding work in safely handling the incident and preventing a drunk driver from fleeing the scene,” said Mayor Austin Bishop. “On or off duty, our staff are equipped and ready to act when they encounter crimes in progress. They did a fantastic job protecting our community members.”

For more information about Palmdale’s Public Safety department, please visit www.CityOfPalmdaleCA.gov/PS.

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