Just Go Green Inc.
Services we offer include:

Full construction services

Trash outs- Interior and Exterior

Handyman services

Complete Landscaping- Complete Irrigation installation, Desert landscaping, etc.
Lawn maintenance.
Grass painting
Eco Curb sign installation

Company Information: We are a full service General Construction company

Our goal is to provide Eco friendly services when at all possible to homeowners and businesses.

Specialty services we offer: (Grass Painting, Hydroseeding and Eco curbside signs)

Grass Painting- Need immediate green to help sell your home fast. We can offers solutions to your dead grass problem at an affordable prices. We offer grass painting to make your brown and dreary lawn look green without the high cost of the increased water bill and over seeding.

Hydroseeding- Is a great option for large bare areas. We can do wild flowers and grass.

Eco curbsign installation- We also offer an Eco friendly option to your address signs. No more paint that only lasts a year or two. No more paint chipping, cracking and washing into the rain gutter that pollutes our water. With our Eco curb signs you can have a durable, reflective alternative that lasts for 10-20 years. Signs can be customized for business use.

Address: 42601 8th St West #108
Lancaster , CA
United States 93534

Phone: 661-524-5235
Contact Person: Katherine Dirden
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